Autor: Evilution-X
Datum:27.02.08 12:30
Antwort auf:BLASPHEMIE! von PoP

>Wie kannst du nur sowas zitieren, von einem völlig fremden menschen den du nicht kennst, UND ohne das selber so erlebt zu haben?!

Erlebt in sofern, dass es am Ende von Disc 1/Anfang Disc 2 tatsächlich spürbar leichter wird, weil das Verteidigungssystem endlich funktioniert und man nicht ständig mit drei Leuten gegen bis zu sechs Gegner steht.
>wo ist der witzbold spawn wenn man ihn braucht...
>>The problem is compounded since it takes almost the entire first disc to get a full party going. With less than five party members, the combat dynamics of damage absorption and dealing heavily favor the enemy, putting the player on the (slow, dull) defensive in a combat system that's already too slow and too dull.
>>Late in the game when your group is broken up into sets of two or three characters, the problem is even worse. Enemies do damage as if you had five characters to soak it up, leading to lots of frustrating game overs. Mistwalker needed to take some sort of risk here, either to speed up combat resolution or to give players the option to do something more interesting than pick which character has low hit points and cast heal on them. Persona 3 showed that a classic JRPG could be modernized and still feel satisfyingly old-school; in contrast, Lost Odyssey seems stuck in the past.

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