Re:IGN Review 8.2 flat
Autor: norman
Datum:06.02.08 22:46
Antwort auf:IGN Review 8.2 von lion88

Das IGN AU Review sieht aber etwas anders aus. Kommt aber fast zu dem selben Ergebnis. Komisch!
Vor allem der Unterschied in der Presentations- und Grafikwertung weicht doch etwas ab. naja mal schauen...

8.0 Presentation
The nondescript menu system is wholly JRPG in tradition. Clean, effective, easy to follow. Overall, the game also keeps UI to a minimum.
9.0 Graphics
Outstanding almost every respect - art direction, animation, textures, lighting. It is, unfortunately, hampered by framerate and screen-tearing.
7.0 Sound
Although the voice-acting is mostly solid, the score is forgettable. The environmental audio is excellent, however.
7.5 Gameplay
It all works - despite AI and balancing issues - but the real problem isn't the gameplay itself, but the concepts behind. It's all been done before.
9.0 Lasting Appeal
It's monsterously large, coming on four DVDs and more hours than is probably healthy - which is a good thing for JRPG fans. There's a lot of gameplay for your buck.
Impressive OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)

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