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Autor: phaxy
Datum:13.11.07 22:07
Antwort auf:Uncharted: Drake`s Fortune (Hammergeile Grafik) von KOSH

>Naughty Dog steht einfach für Qualität. Und so sind Sie einer der ersten Entwickler, die zeigen, was die PS3 wirklich drauf hat:
>Ihr neuster Titel lautet: Uncharted:Drake`s Fortune
>Bei diesem Spiel geht es um folgendem (von PS3 IGN)):
>Naughty Dog's first PS3 project is going to turn some heads. As it turns out, company president and all around nice guy Evan Wells said that his team created Uncharted: Drake's Fortune with that exact idea in mind.
>It shows.
>Even at this unfinished point in its development, the texture work and special effects in Uncharted are phenomenal (and they're locked at 720p, "for framerate stability," according to Wells), while the animations are equally impressive. Consider this: lead character Nathan Drake boasts more than 3000 animations alone with individual sequences based on a specific shot... that's quite an attention to detail.
>Perhaps even more notable is the fact that, once the game starts, there won't be any loading at all. Everything is streamed directly off the Blu-ray disc (level data, animation, sound, etc) and while such a feat has been done in other titles, we can't recall one that had this much activity going on as it happened. Plus, the stages themselves are huge -- the area shown to us was only a small portion of a much bigger section and even that had a little bit of everything: hand-to-hand combat, platforming elements, and gunplay like crazy.
>The good news is that handling each aspect in-game isn't difficult at all; L1 aims your gun (you can have two, a single-handed weapon and a double-handed one) and R1 fires it. Like most games of this type, the X button jumps and the Triangle acts as a contextual action button for things such as opening doors, picking up weapons and other some such. Circle covers (you can only do so behind manmade objects), sprints, and allows Nathan to drop down from ledges, and as you might have guessed, it's as easy to operate as it sounds.
>Selecting weapons in real time is just as trouble-free. The digital pad handles everything -- up reloads your gun, left switches to single-hand, right moves to double and tapping down equips your grenades. As a nice touch, the amount of arc on your grenade is dictated by your use of the Sixaxis controller. Sixaxis manipulation also gives players a means to balance themselves on narrow walkways or jump away from walls, and it leads into understanding the finer points of navigation (which is important) -- as the game increases, figuring out how to successfully make it through Tomb Raider-like rappels and Prince of Persia super jumps are what the adventure is all about.
>Speaking of adventure, old-school movies and books created in the "pulp" style were a definite inspiration for Uncharted. Alan Quartermain, Indiana Jones, and even John McClane were exactly the type of guys that Naughty Dog wanted to draw from when creating Nathan Drake. He's essentially an ordinary man in an extraordinary situation, and his quick quips and need to diffuse the tension of a bad situation make for cool cinema.
>To keep the idea that you're playing through a true adventure, Naughty Dog has also minimized the HUD so that the only information you'll see is your equipped weapon and its ammo. Instead of a health bar, the designers have used a pseudo-luck meter that drains the screen of color and amplifies the sound of your heartbeat as Nathan gets into rougher and rougher situations. The longer Drake stays in a bad position, the more the screen desaturates; the more the screen desaturates; the more likely Nathan is to die.
>There are plenty of other little touches that add to the immersion as well. You blast a guy in the head, for instance, and it's a one-shot instant kill. Throw punches or kicks too quickly, on the other hand, and you'll swing wildly doing little damage while barely touching anything. On that same note, if you time melee attacks correctly you can do some seriously damaging two-hit combos or throws. Additional realism tidbits include: invisible checkpoints for post-death respawns, aimless blind-fire shooting, a dynamic music system, AI that works together to try and outflank you, and some seriously realistic water effects.
>But what of the story? Naughty Dog doesn't want to say too much, other than this: Nathan believes himself to be a descendant of Sir Francis Drake (who supposedly didn't have any offspring) and he's out on a quest to prove it. Well okay, he wants to find Drake's treasure too (he is a treasure hunter after all). It was also confirmed that the game won't only take place in a jungle -- in fact, it begins off the coast of Panama on a dive boat as Nathan searches for Drake's body, but eventually shifts to the Amazonian jungle, a pre-Incan temple, a derelict U-boat, and an abandoned Spanish colony. Players can also expect three-way battles with competing enemies (ragtag pirates and sophisticated military types), a possible love interest with a documentary hostess named Elena, and 10-12 hour plot-driven expedition with a single ending but widened paths.
>Naughty Dog expects to have a lot more on Uncharted: Drake's Fortune at E3. Being that it's one of, if not the most impressive PlayStation 3 game we've seen so far, we hope to see it there ourselves.
>Die Texturen und die Animationen sind der Wahnsinn.
>Und zum Abschluß gibt es ein neues Video.
>Man kann nur soviel sagen: Naughty Dog hat es einfach drauf.

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