Wollte eigentlich blind kaufen... flat
Autor: kellaabaa
Datum:18.09.07 11:28
Antwort auf:Sega Rally von Macher

sprich, mir die Demo vorher nicht geben.

Eurogamer gibt ne 9, IGN ne 8.8, da wundern mich hier einige Aussagen schon, das Game scheint zu polarisieren.

Wenn man das Fazit von Eurogamer liest, passt das so gar nicht zusammen mit den Kritiken in diesem Thread:

"But enough of the predictions and doubts. SEGA Rally is easily the freshest arcade driving experiences to have emerged in years, providing more wide-eyed excitement in five minutes than most games manage in five hours. Not since Burnout 2 has a driving game stood out as so completely different to everything else, and provided so much instant, moreish entertainment to such a high technical standard. To find a game that strips out the pointless and unnecessary padding and gets back to, you know, making the actual racing the fun bit is worthy of celebration on its own, but to then underpin the whole thing with deformable tracks is a masterstroke. As one of the most important and well-realised ideas to hit the racing genre, it's something I'd urge any racing game fan to try out. SEGA Rally isn't just a nostalgic remake, but a genuinely revolutionary twist that takes arcade racing in a new direction."

Kann es vielleicht sein, dass die Final wesentlich besser ist als die Demo ? (war ja bei Virtua Tennis 3 ähnlich)

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