Re:1/2 OT: Was heißt eigentlich HDR?? flat
Autor: Phreak
Datum:29.03.06 12:07
Antwort auf:1/2 OT: Was heißt eigentlich HDR?? von PooBear

>Herr der Ringe schließe ich mal aus... ;)
>Vielleicht High Definiton Rendering?

define:google sagt:

High Dynamic Range. This is a lighting procedure designed to emulate the way that light levels in the real world vary over an enormous range. This is mostly achieved by the use of floating point textures and render targets (as well as using the appropriate lighting algorithm); integer formats do not offer the anywhere near the same range of values. Although visually better, the use of floating point formats can result in a large performance impact on some graphics adapters.

bei HL2: Lost Coast wurde das auch nochma erklärt...

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