Antwort auf den Beitrag "Re:WP-Artikel über Indoktrination der russischen Jugend" posten:
>Liest sich wie ein absoluter Albtraum: > >[] > >[i:"Naumova is one of thousands of young Russians who have inserted themselves into their country’s new wartime system, adopting Kremlin spin as their own beliefs and ensuring that Putin’s core ideology, of ultranationalist patriotism and Orthodox Christian values, will be carried forward by a new generation. This includes the idea that the United States wants to destroy Russia and that Russia is a peace-seeking victim rather than an aggressor. Like Naumova, they see themselves as patriotic truth-tellers, not instruments of spin."] > >(...) > >[i:Those who join Russian youth organizations and who visibly adhere to the government line and traditional values are quickly rewarded. Those who show even a flicker of dissent can end up being denounced to the authorities by their peers, and they or their parents can be prosecuted. And those who openly rebel are punished, exiled or imprisoned. >“It’s clear that ‘belonging’ now means performing in a certain way, in a very clear context of ‘us and them,’” said Ian Garner, a British historian who wrote a book on Putinist youth organizations titled “Z Generation: Into the Heart of Russia’s Fascist Youth.” >“It must be the kind of performance that the state approves of and will grant you access to social inclusion within Russia today,” Garner said. “It entails being ethnically Russian. Or to perform at being ethnically Russian. To be straight. To be Orthodox Christian. And to embrace this message of militarism.”] > >Mit Vollgas in Richtung Faschismus Marke Starship Troopers. Erschreckend.