Re:Congress Hearing mit interessanten Aussagen flat
Autor: moishe maseltov
Datum:15.11.24 13:12
Antwort auf:Re:Congress Hearing mit interessanten Aussagen von Tripple N

>>Schon spannend. Warum sollten inzwischen dutzende (ex-) Officials alle dem Wahnsinn verfallen oder sich Dinge ausdenken, wenn sie im Endeffekt nur ihren Ruf damit zerstören, weil das Thema gesellschaftlich immer noch nicht akzeptiert ist?
>"One of the most colorful testimonies came from Luis Elizondo, former head of the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program."
>Den hab ich einfach mal gegoogelt und in einem Artikel das hier gefunden:
>"[... Elizondo’s claim to have been the director of a secret program known as AATIP (Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program) has never been verified, as The Intercept first reported in 2019. Yet critics observe that this assertion by Elizondo, first printed by the Times in 2017, has been endlessly repeated by news outlets uncritically quoting the original story through “cut-and-paste journalism,” a practice that is unusually prevalent in the coverage of the UFO field.[...]
>Garry Reid, then director of Defense Intelligence at the USDI office, wrote in a memo that Elizondo had “aggrandized his role” and “to the best of my knowledge, he had no job responsibilities related to the AATIP. [...] The Reid memo also said Elizondo claimed that for several years he had been tasked on a super-secret project (see 4th page) on UFOs directly for Defense Secretary James Mattis, and that “nobody at USDI was cleared for this program and would not discuss it further.” Reid noted, “I discussed his claims with senior officials who would likely have known of such an arrangement, but was unable to substantiate them.”]
>Ich denke nicht dass das alles solche Freaks und Hochstapler sind, aber bestimmt sind da einige Knallköpfe dabei plus eben Leute, die während ihrer Arbeit einfach mal Merkwürdigkeiten mitbekommen haben und sich eine bessere Aufarbeitung gewünscht hätten. Über deren Aussagen lässt sich aber nicht so schön berichten.

Ich weiß mehr als deine Googelei


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