Die Schiffe, die d Unterseekabel reparieren (The Verge) flat
Autor: Kilian
Datum:19.04.24 09:59
Antwort auf:Die M! Tageszeitung - Journalismus #10 von Kilian

Sehr interessanter, sehr unterhaltsam aufbereiteter Artikel über die knapp zwei Dutzend (!) Schiffe, die weltweit im Einsatz sind, beschädigte Unterseekable wieder zu reparieren:

(...) The world’s emails, TikToks, classified memos, bank transfers, satellite surveillance, and FaceTime calls travel on cables that are about as thin as a garden hose. There are about 800,000 miles of these skinny tubes crisscrossing the Earth’s oceans, representing nearly 600 different systems, according to the industry tracking organization TeleGeography.

The cables are buried near shore, but for the vast majority of their length, they just sit amid the gray ooze and alien creatures of the ocean floor, the hair-thin strands of glass at their center glowing with lasers encoding the world’s data.

If, hypothetically, all these cables were to simultaneously break, modern civilization would cease to function. The financial system would immediately freeze. Currency trading would stop; stock exchanges would close.

Banks and governments would be unable to move funds between countries because the Swift and US interbank systems both rely on submarine cables to settle over $10 trillion in transactions each day. In large swaths of the world, people would discover their credit cards no longer worked and ATMs would dispense no cash. (...)

Contemplating the prospect of a mass cable cut to the UK, then-MP Rishi Sunak concluded, “Short of nuclear or biological warfare, it is difficult to think of a threat that could be more justifiably described as existential.” (...)


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