Re:Merit Order System bleibt bestehen flat
Autor: FS
Datum:24.05.23 09:03
Antwort auf:Merit Order System bleibt bestehen von Telemesse

>Denn am Ende steht bei uns immer ein Gaskraftwerk das den Preis bestimmt.

Am Ende steht keins, weil man dann genug Speicher hat. Wie Australien und Kalifornien es schon gemacht hat und Peakerkraftwerke einsparen konnte.
Dann endet dieser fossile Irrsinn hoffentlich irgendwann.

“Saying no to a gas peaker plant and yes to battery-stored energy has provided our community with a nonpolluting power plant, increased our tax base, and created good jobs and ultimately better health for the people. This project is truly a testament to Oxnard’s determination and resilience to modernize and better our community.”

“On hot days when the grid is struggling to keep up, the Saticoy battery storage facility will help keep the lights on and air conditioners running with on-demand, local electricity. We’re proud to have worked with Arevon, our asset management affiliate; Strata Clean Energy; the county; and local utility Southern California Edison to improve grid reliability.”

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