Pfui: WTF!? Saudi-Arabien wohl hinter Bezos-Hack... flat
Autor: Kilian
Datum:01.04.19 14:33
Antwort auf:Hui oder Pfui #81 von Bandit

"In February, Bezos released a remarkable post on Medium, saying that Enquirer and its parent company, AMI, had attempted to extort and blackmail him with images that he had texted to a woman with which he was having an affair. The story is part of a much larger one that feeds into the rivalry between Bezos, who also owns The Washington Post, and President Donald Trump, who has described the publication as a “lobbyist newspaper,” and includes an international angle involving Saudi Arabia, which reportedly sees Bezos and the Post as a threat."

Das wäre schon extrem krass, wenn Saudi-Arabien einen Feldzug gegen Bezos führen würde, egal ob als Gefallen gegenüber Trump oder in eigener Sache (Kashoggi-Berichterstattung in der Washington Post). Dickes fettes WTF. Bin gespannt, wie sehr das in die öffentliche Wahrnehmung gerät...


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