Thema: |
Autor: | geraldo | ||
Datum: | 19.11.07 18:54 | ||
Antwort auf: | Endlich gibts sowas ^^ von Liyah | ||
[] Main Entry: 1kin·dle Pronunciation: \ˈkin-dəl\ Function: verb Inflected Form(s): kin·dled; kin·dling \ˈkin(d)-liŋ, ˈkin-dəl-iŋ\ Etymology: Middle English, probably modification of Old Norse kynda; akin to Old High German cuntesal fire Date: 13th century transitive verb 1: to start (a fire) burning : light 2 a: to stir up : arouse <kindle interest> b: to bring into being : start 3: to cause to glow : illuminate intransitive verb 1: to catch fire 2 a: to flare up b: to become animated 3: to become illuminated — kin·dler \ˈkin(d)-lər, ˈkin-dəl-ər\ noun |
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