Antwort auf den Beitrag "Re:The Whale [Kino, mit Fraser, von Aronofski]" posten:
>>Was mich noch interessieren würde: >>Fraser trägt ja ein Fatsuit, ich frag mich ob es nur optisch war oder ob sie ihm wirklich einen 100+ Kilo Anzug verpasst haben. > >Ja > >Hier der Aufwand: >[] > >During an appearance on The Graham Norton Show in January, Fraser said the [b:‘fat suit’ was “appropriately heavy”], which made playing the role “closer to what it would be like to live in a body of a man that size”. > >Ahead of filming, Fraser worked with the obesity Action Coalition and consulted with people who had undergone bariatric surgeries to lose weight. > >Talking about his transformation process for the film on The Kelly Clarkson Show, [b:Fraser descrbied the costume as “cumbersome”. >]