Das Problem an Staffel 5 flat
Autor: DJ Wisdom
Datum:15.06.15 22:46
Antwort auf:Game of Thrones - Part 4 [Serie] von Kola

Schön hier zusammengefasst:


"And “Game of Thrones” has been defined by that stretching — a lot happened in Season 5, but when you look at the overall framework, nearly all the characters are where they were when the season began. The usurping Boltons are still in Winterfell; Sansa is still on the run; Arya is still hiding in Braavos; the dragon queen Daenerys Targaryen and the sly dwarf, Tyrion, are still marooned in Essos; the Lannisters still occupy the castle in King’s Landing. This can be blamed on the show’s semidependent relationship with Mr. Martin’s novels, but viewers (like me) who haven’t read the books don’t care about that. The question is how much longer we’ll care at all."

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