Antwort auf den Beitrag "Re:Mit welcher Kartoffel schafft man eigentlich die Trophäe" posten:
>>[i:Boss in 15s besiegen] am ehesten und wie sah dann da die Waffenwahl aus? Habe nur noch ne handvoll Kartoffeln offen, mit denen ich Welle 20 noch nicht überstanden habe. Bisher kam ich aber selbst bei relativ sicheren Siegen über den Boss nicht annähernd an die Zeit ran. > >Ich zitiere Mal von TA: > >[i:How I got this achievement was by picking Fisherman, due to his perk of having the Bait item always offered in the shop at the cost of just one material each, with each Bait boosting my damage rate by 8%, and it can be offered again with rerolls before starting on the next wave. I also stuck with just the Stick, on account that each additional Stick in my weapons set boosted my overall damage. I boosted my damage solely from using the Bait item at least three times before each wave, focusing my investment in level ups and items boosting various healing (HP regen, Life Steal) and defensive skills (Armor, Dodge, etc.) and buying any additional Sticks that became available. I was able to get my damage rate to over 400% with a 81% attack speed and a critical rate of 19%. I upgraded HP regeneration to 22, with Life Steal at 2%. For defensive skills I set my Armor at 13, and my dodge rate at 42%.] > >Weiß allerdings gar nicht mehr, ob ich das selbst auch mit dem Fischer gemacht habe. Ich erinnere mich nur, dass ich mit diesen Ködern ganz schön meine Probleme hatte. > >Lynne