Antwort auf den Beitrag "Re:Wertungen" posten:
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak is an exciting new start for the series. With a fresh cast of characters joined by a handful of familiar faces, it’s a welcoming point for potential new fans to jump in while also rewarding veteran players for returning. > >[] > >Trails through Daybreak has the best side quests in any game I’ve played. I mean, I cried like, three different times. And these are just optional moments, too. The sheer storytelling and world-building alone makes this game worth a look > >[] > >A dark, more mature story, a great new cast of characters, and much improved turn-based action make Trails through Daybreak a fine addition to the franchise > >[] > >Wertungsschnitt aktuell bei 83 für die PS5 Version >[] > >Liest sich alles sehr, sehr gut. Dabei wollte ich das doch eigentlich erst irgendwann im Winter mal zocken ...