Antwort auf den Beitrag "Re:PlayStation verbietet offenbar Shovelware im Store" posten:
>Hier das Original: [] > >[i:When SIE reviews the content submitted to PlayStation™Store, products that have the following characteristics are identified as “spam” or “repetitive” content: > >- Products whose functionality and/or assets are copied or are not meaningfully different from products already published on PlayStation™Store, irrespective of the publisher of record. > >- Multiple concepts and product variants, published by individual partners, that have duplicative functionality or experiences, differentiated only by minor variances of functionality or assets. > >- Where possible, partners should consider aggregating small, similar content experiences into a single product, using in-game commerce to expand or extend the experience. > >- As an example, supplying different trophies for each product is not enough to differentiate content.”] > > >Die Gamefront Übersetzung wieder mal sehr freizügig.