Antwort auf den Beitrag "Re:nintendolife ist recht angetan ..." posten:
>[] > >9/10 > >Was aber krass klingt: > >However, with all of this doing so much to positively affect the player experience in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD[b:, it definitely does leave a quite a bad taste in the mouth that the ability to jump at will between Skyloft and The Surface has been locked behind the official Loftwing amiibo.] When so much good work has been done to improve the game's pacing, it feels like a real misstep to lock this one properly significant change to the tempo of how you move around the world — perhaps even the biggest change — behind what is, [b:essentially, a paywall.] > > >Naja, bin derzeit weder in Switch noch in Zelda Stimmung, und auch die Bilder machen mich derzeit nicht an, später evtl. mal. > > >Tux