Antwort auf den Beitrag "Re:Qualitätsjournalismus" posten:
>Das ziehen die alles aus einem halben Nebensatz? Das originale Wortlaut ist: > >[i:After finishing work on "Cyberpunk 2077", the company will start producing another game. >"We have already been working on another single player game, we have created a relatively clear concept that is waiting for further development. And this is already beginning to happen, although we do not want to spend time on it. Immediately after the work on 'Cyberpunk 2077' over the next title will kick off, "said the president. >As Kiciński reminded, the company has always announced that it wants to create more games in the "Witcher" universe. >"Nothing has changed," he said. >"We have two worlds and within these worlds we want to create games - therefore all planned games are either" witcher "or" cyberpunk "," he added.] > >Es kann also genauso gut sein, dass es ein weiteres Cyberpunk Spiel wird...