Antwort auf den Beitrag "Re:Von wem ist das Signal? (unmarkierte Spoiler)" posten:
>[] > >Three microseconds ago, the [b:GAIA Prime facility received a data transmission of unknown origin. Its immediate effect was to transform my Subordinate Functions into unregulated, self-aware entities of a highly chaotic nature]. Thus awakened, the HADES Function will now seize control of the terraforming system and reverse operations... rendering life on Earth extinct in fifty-three-point-eight days. > >[] > >It is possible that the Masters have some connection to the Faro Plague, given HADES's Corrupted appearance upon becoming self-aware. If so, it seems likely that they are connected in some way to the "glitch" that caused the Faro Plague, as well as to the Old World in general. > >Mit diesem Signal hat alles angefangen. Die "Geburt" von Aloy, das aggressive Verhalten der Maschinen bzw. die Herstellung von ganz neuen Maschinen, die Jagd auf Menschen machen. > >Von Sylens kann es eigentlich nicht sein und das Kolonieschiff Odyssey wurde angeblich zerstört. Ein Klon oder eine AI von Ted Fucking Faro?