Thema: mag es flat
Autor: Lynne
Datum:12.11.24 13:47
Antwort auf:Next Stop: Tetris Forever von Fred LaBosch

4 von 5 Sternen und die neue Variante wird auch für gut befunden:

there's a brand new variation, called Tetris Time Warp, which throws in special pieces with every ten lines cleared, and these special pieces blast you back in time to a different version of Tetris that you hack through for a bonus. Better than working brilliantly - and I mean this as a high compliment - it sort of works. It's a wonderfully elbowy, awkward cludging together of slightly different experiences. It feels like one of those science fiction movies where people slip back and forth between dimensions. It's Tetris: His Dark Materials.

Dann muß ich nachher mal in mich gehen, ob ich das auch direkt zum Start haben muß.


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