Es gab gestern auch noch einen Newsletter flat
Autor: Fred LaBosch
Datum:26.07.24 10:14
Antwort auf:Ray’z Collection in Produktion von Fred LaBosch

Hmm, da wurde also erstmal Kohle reingepumpt, aber ob wirklich noch alles kommt, muss man wohl bezweifeln...

Dear Fred,

We know it may have seemed quiet from the outside, but we’ve been incredibly busy behind the scenes.

As you've seen in the news, the video game industry is facing significant challenges with studio closures and project cancellations. Thankfully, we’ve managed to keep our business running and avoid these pitfalls.

We’ve worked tirelessly to adapt to a rapidly changing market and demand. Our top priority has been to optimize our production processes and add the necessary resources. We're proud to share that this hard work is already paying off. With the introduction of our new strategy, we’ve secured additional financing from our shareholders. This funding will not only keep our operations running but also allow us to ramp up production.

We understand that this transition period has been frustrating due to the lack of communication and delays. Confidentiality and the complexities of the financing process limited our ability to keep you as informed as we would have liked.

We deeply appreciate your patience and support. We know the most pressing question on your mind is: 'When will the game I pre-ordered be released?'

The good news is, with our restructuring complete, we’re excited to announce that we will begin delivering very soon. The first game to be shipped will be Ray’z Arcade Chronology - Limited Edition (PlayStation 4), releasing on August 21, 2024. You can expect to see shipping notifications from us in the coming weeks.

We will prioritize shipping all current pre-orders as quickly as possible, but please bear in mind that we are still a small team. We’re also excited to share that we’re preparing for the future with unique and large projects, starting with koROBO, our 100th game and a significant milestone for us.

We look forward to continuing this exciting journey with you, filled with new releases and future pre-orders. Your support and passion for physical games make everything we do possible.

Thank you for being part of our vibrant community of video game enthusiasts. We appreciate your continuous support, understanding, and patience.

Sincerely Yours,

Strictly Limited Games
Plochinger Str. 14
73230 Kirchheim/Teck

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