Test von GamePro und IGN flat
Autor: lion88
Datum:03.02.24 01:39
Antwort auf:Suicide Squad (Rocksteady) und neues Batman (WB) (TBA) von Optimus Prime


Ein Endgame zum Ausschalten
Nach Abschluss des sechsten Kapitels startet das Endgame “Finale Krise”, dessen Name fast schon sinnbildlich für das steht, was nach der Hauptstory zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt an Inhalten geboten wird.

Um in Elseworlds, also anderen Versionen der Erde, zu spielen, müssen wir zunächst durch den Abschluss normaler Nebenaufgaben sogenannte Prometheum-Punkte (Endgame-Währung) sammeln. Sind die Endgame-Missionen dann freigeschaltet, erledigen wir in dystopischen Paralleluniversen die gleichen Missionstypen wie zuvor im Hauptspiel. Der große Unterschied sind lediglich stärkere Gegner.


After the story is finished, you'll enter the post-game where the live-service nature of Kill the Justice League shows its hand fully - despite the studio going to great lengths to call it anything but a game-as-a-service. Immediately my worst fears were realised as I was handed copies of missions I had played previously in the campaign with the same tired assortment of tasks. In truth, it caused Marvel’s Avengers flashbacks to flicker into my mind as I told myself “I just can’t do this with my life again. I just can’t,” but truthfully, even Crystal Dynamics’ unsatisfactory efforts offered better variety and more endgame goals to aim for.

The headline activities upon entering the post-credits world are called Incursions. These are short rinse-and-repeat missions that take place in the Elseworld featured in the story of the main campaign – a, stop me if you've heard this one before, superhero multiverse. Unsurprisingly, these are all the same “defend the objective” and “kill as many enemies in a time limit” scenarios that I had already grown tired of. The lack of imagination is staggering and the respect for your time is kept at a minimum. Even worse, these supposedly important missions do nothing to affect the ongoing conflict around you (other than seemingly irritate Brainiac a bit) and can only be accessed using a new currency called Promethium. The only way to gain this is by completing even more tedious tasks around Metropolis, such as destroying yet another giant cannon with pulsing purple spots. It creates a cycle of tedium devoid of anything nutritious in either a narrative or gameplay sense.

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