Thema: |
Autor: | Pfroebbel | ||
Datum: | 16.05.21 21:54 | ||
Antwort auf: | The Division - Heartland / free to play / Multi von Pfroebbel | ||
Is a battle royale/survival reimagined from Div 1. Set in Silver Creek, Oak Mills Michigan (perhaps based on actual silver creek township of Michigan? Likely an amalgamation of several areas in Michigan, from my playtime I see parts of downtown Lansing, Flint, and rural Michigan in its design.) Map is split into 8(? Have to confirm) zones, with landmarks and pre set areas to extract. SHD Beacons are set up in pre set spots, must be activated in order to reveal/secure parts of maps. Landmarks are areas on the map with increased loot spawns and of course PVE enemies. They are named areas, and they change rarity between matches. An area like University could be a normal landmark with normal loot one match, or could be a yellow landmark the next (with tougher, more enemies but much better loot). Imagine them like hot spots in Apex. These SHD beacons are used to receive quests (called alerts) in the PVE mode, as well as reset contamination level in both PVE and PVP mode. They also provide you an area to set down your researched bonus stations (discussed below). Each SHD beacon has a bandwidth as well as circular area that it encompasses that let you plant your bonus station equipment in its radius. Bandwidth is a limiter in order to stop players from planting down all 3 of a type to get all of its bonuses. SHD Beacons state they can be upgraded, which increases bandwidth and radius. No way to do so currently in test, unsure how you would/how much they cost to do so. Has crouching and sliding, as well as combat rolls (crouching and sliding new to Division Franchise, combat rolls have been there since Division 1.) Has agent skills, or appears to have them in some way tied to the specializations. Start with pistol (Diceros) and chest and gloves. Stealth is finally a thing in division. Melee weapons are a thing, is like Apex and CS where you run faster with them equipped. Perk to double melee damage, as well as in game level up perks that give materials for melee kills. Very useful and core to looting up. Cover system is still a thing, from what I’ve played it is much looser than division 2’s since you have to first: crouch, and then hug a piece of cover to really lock into the piece of cover. You can weapon butt enemies with your guns. There’s load out drops with unique guns and even upgraded armors. Armors likely upgrade through the game like Scavengers. Recoil is just like division 2; easy to control on PC. You can slide and shoot at the same time like in scavengers/apex. You can call for extraction at the end of the BR, must defend position from PVE enemies and enemy players. It’s the dark zone style of defense so a few tough enemies. M700, diceros, Scar L (Alexandrian) and M1014 (Babylonian) MK48, Sig 776 Kriss Vecyof, sniper. M1911 RPK, Ak74, m14, Mosin, Uzi type gun, double barrel shotguns, G36, KSG, P90, MPX, Stoner LMG, Urban MDR, Deagle, etc (all guns appear to have mythical/Historical names to them at rare levels) snipers seem to have drop and bullet travel. (These are all guns available on division 2 at launch)Map is split into 8(? Have to confirm) zones, with landmarks and pre set areas to extract. SHD Beacons are set up in pre set spots, must be activated in order to reveal/secure parts of maps. Landmarks are areas on the map with increased loot spawns and of course PVE enemies. They are named areas, and they change rarity between matches. An area like University could be a normal landmark with normal loot one match, or could be a yellow landmark the next (with tougher, more enemies but much better loot). Imagine them like hot spots in Apex. These SHD beacons are used to receive quests (called alerts) in the PVE mode, as well as reset contamination level in both PVE and PVP mode. They also provide you an area to set down your researched bonus stations (discussed below). Each SHD beacon has a bandwidth as well as circular area that it encompasses that let you plant your bonus station equipment in its radius. Bandwidth is a limiter in order to stop players from planting down all 3 of a type to get all of its bonuses. SHD Beacons state they can be upgraded, which increases bandwidth and radius. No way to do so currently in test, unsure how you would/how much they cost to do so. Has crouching and sliding, as well as combat rolls (crouching and sliding new to Division Franchise, combat rolls have been there since Division 1.) Has agent skills, or appears to have them in some way tied to the specializations. Start with pistol (Diceros) and chest and gloves. Stealth is finally a thing in division. Melee weapons are a thing, is like Apex and CS where you run faster with them equipped. Perk to double melee damage, as well as in game level up perks that give materials for melee kills. Very useful and core to looting up. Cover system is still a thing, from what I’ve played it is much looser than division 2’s since you have to first: crouch, and then hug a piece of cover to really lock into the piece of cover. You can weapon butt enemies with your guns. There’s load out drops with unique guns and even upgraded armors. Armors likely upgrade through the game like Scavengers. Recoil is just like division 2; easy to control on PC. You can slide and shoot at the same time like in scavengers/apex. You can call for extraction at the end of the BR, must defend position from PVE enemies and enemy players. It’s the dark zone style of defense so a few tough enemies. M700, diceros, Scar L (Alexandrian) and M1014 (Babylonian) MK48, Sig 776 Kriss Vecyof, sniper. M1911 RPK, Ak74, m14, Mosin, Uzi type gun, double barrel shotguns, G36, KSG, P90, MPX, Stoner LMG, Urban MDR, Deagle, etc (all guns appear to have mythical/Historical names to them at rare levels) snipers seem to have drop and bullet travel. (These are all guns available on division 2 at launch) Rarity is like Division; goes from Greys, to Greens, to Blues, to Purples and then to Yellows/Golds. Golds appear to be only found in supply drops and have unique names to them and come with golden attachments. BULLET DROP AND TRAVEL SEEMS TO BE INSANE. Had to aim nearly 2 heads above at 100 meters with a sniper to achieve headshot. Enemy’s are called The Pilgrims. Typical band of murderers, looters, psychopath type faction for the Division. They LITERALLY use assets from Division 2 (use Outcast and Riker faction design) right now, so far as to use voice lines from the game as well. Typical Division Faction design where grunts are all health bar, while Veterans have armor and Elites have armor and are tankier with better AI. Some seem to have skills, but most have shown to be hyper aggressive and don’t care for their lives at all (like a weird mix of the Hyena’s and Outcasts from Division 2.) Pilgrims factions seems to either have healing grenades or something? Grenade would explode in a green mist, unsure if its Spice from Division 2 or something new. Elites can have grenade launchers or Miniguns. You can target enemy weakpoints to explode them. BoO is a place called Rockit Rink, has other agents (NPC’s) Character customization, battle pass, premium currency. Weapon skins. Exclusive alpha tester badge. Skins for bags, melee items, MASKS. Most importantly: Emotes return. Fan favorites like Jumping Jacks return, as well as new ones like Running Man and Linked Dance. Expeditions and STORM. I am assuming one is PVE and the other is PVP. Expeditions looks to have a story behind it. It’s like scavengers where you need to grab stuff in game to research/craft items for the game. SHOOTING RANGE. CRAFTING STATION at the BoO. Used to craft pre game bonus items that when placed in a match provide bonuses. Unsure if they will provide a way to accelerate research and crafting of these items through currency like Scavengers does. 2 guns and melee. (Melee replaced dedicated sidearm) The mask is a dedicated craftable; it runs out like in Warzone in contaminated areas. Does not run out as quickly as warzone masks. Mask is the only guaranteed protection against contamination; you are constantly being contaminated so keeping a mask filter on 24/7 is a part of the games mechanics, as well as part of group synergy. Some areas of the map will be more contaminated than others, ISAC will generally tell you when this occurs and as such your contamination level will rise faster/your mask filter will fail faster. This becomes even more obvious in yellow contamination zones and doubly so in the storm/zone. You can pick up gun attachments to increase stats. So far this is Muzzle and Foregrips. Both seem to provide the same stat increase like 5% better handling. Comes in rarities so at green level 5%, blue 10%, purple 15% and at Yellow/Gold 20%. Unsure if they will be adding scopes to toggle between increased zoom like in Division 1 and 2. Can craft in game, health kits, revive syringe, armor, grenades. Each specialization has unique craftables, usually dependent on the role the specialization fills. You can craft while running and it takes less than a second for most items. Same with applying items; expect enemy players to get shot, hide in cover, pop all their heals and pop back out a second later fully healed. Curious since Division 1 and 2 both had healing animations. Perhaps not added in yet? Gloves decrease crafting costs and increase crafting speed. Expeditions appears to be like a normal division 2 style loot on map PVE experience? And storm might be a normal battle royale experience. You can start expeditions with a custom loadout, making grinding for components easier. You don’t start the BR (Storm) mode with anything but a pistol and a melee weapon though. Rogues and hunters confirmed by NPC agent. Kill hunters for extra loot and badges and stuff. CUSTOM LOADOUTS. Instead of scavengers style with hero’s, you can make your own load outs with your own guns and equipment. 6 loadout slots. Crafting appears to be used in order to craft items that give you game advantages like scanners, infiltration spots (spawning into a game using these infiltration spots gives you their spawn bonus) Assignment center is there to focus on what you want to do in a match. Assignments give bonus XP and loot. These are designed to give you perks and abilities and bonuses. Shooter, Medic, Survivalist. These are perks like from loadoit drops in warzone. Perk like being hidden from scanners in cover or with full armor, or full reload on slide or combat roll. 15 teams of 3 player squads. So 45 per game. Likely support for duos and solos in the future. Specialization are locked in at beginning of match, only one per squad (can’t have 2 shooters or 3 medics) You choose spawn point on map from a list at beginning. You can also choose to spawn on an infiltration spot if you placed it in a previous match. This is prefered since spawning on an Infil spot gives spawn bonuses like better loot spotting, immune to scanner pulse, or a speed boost. Unavailable in the closed test but mentioned was a stash spot, I am guessing this is like your stash in division 1 and 2 where you can stash items for use later, unsure if it’s consistent between matches but would be neat to see hiding a good gun or armor in one match and then the next going directly to the stash spot to retrieve it. Level up during the match do get match bonuses like increased ammo or bonus melee damage. Slow TTK against NPC’s, I wanna say Apex like TTK against other players if you hit your shots. (Think a bad build in division 2, not talking anywhere near the levels of a good hunters fury build) Chicken Dancing and strafing returns, as well as combat rolls of course. This is amplified by crouch spam, as well as sliding, and the longer TTK will make fights feel slower and drawn out, unsure how I personally feel about it; I’ve yet to fight anybody who seemed to actually be a veteran of the franchise and used it against me. When I used it against players who used cover and just walked forward while fighting I melted them. Feels like a mix of Division 1 and Division 2 PVP. Ping system with voice acting. Robust and like Apex/Warzone, characters say when they run out of ammo, when theyre getting shot, when they loot guns (even commenting on rarity “standard issue is better than no issue” “come check this out”) when they throw down equipment, as well as when they ping locations on map (nothing area specific, just “lets go here”) etc. Health DOES NOT regen UNLESS you are playing a specific specialization and proc its special perk, otherwise you can loot armor regen attachments that will heal your armor back slowly depending on its rarity (highest I found was blue rarity armor regen that healed back my armor up to 2 pips.) Otherwise you will need to craft and apply armor. Constantly moving storm/contamination zone? Zone is free form, doesn’t conform to a circle. Very nice touch, like a contamination spread by the wind. Can swap shoulders at any time, no longer bound to right shoulder at all times. Expeditions has AI rogues (think of the rogue encounters in division 2 post year 2/WONY update) You win by either grabbing a flare from a supply drop and using it to extract (there appears to be around 1-2 available extractions per match OR by being the last team standing. Once extraction is off the table, endgame does function like a traditional Battle Royale experience; map is closed off into a circle like area (remember that the zone is freeform, which is very unique) so expect gatekeeping areas from enemy squads coming into circle, gas mask plays, etc until only one squad is left standing. Included is what being the Last Standing looks like. [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] gesendet mit m!client für iOS |
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