Re:Beta(!)-Test für den nächsten Patch flat
Autor: membran
Datum:22.01.15 10:41
Antwort auf:Re:Beta(!)-Test für den nächsten Patch von Turrican

>Lieber so den grossen Wurf, als häppchenweise marginal mininmale Verbesserungen oder auch nicht rauszuwerfen. Das ganze MM-System inkl. Netcode/Hit Detection über Bord schmeissen und mal richtig durchtesten. Gibt genug halogeile Gestalten, die das einfach vernünftig spielen wollen. Guck mich so nicht an ;)

Meine damalige Vermutung, dass das Xbox One Matchmaking- und Lobbysystem in Halo so buggy ist, weil das Matchmaking an die Party-App gebunden ist, war übrigens anscheinend richtig:

Aus dem GAF:

Part of the SDK leak:

In 2014 Multiplayer, the title places game party members into multiplayer session directory (MPSD) sessions to manage connectivity and report multiplayer interactions. The interaction with MPSD sessions by the title uses the Xbox Services API (XSAPI) and/or the Xbox Live Services RESTful API.
2015 Multiplayer Design The most obvious change implemented in the 2015 Multiplayer is that titles no longer need to access multiplayer functionality through game parties. Instead, they can now perform all multiplayer-related operations directly, using MPSD sessions.


Two versions of the multiplayer are available for Xbox One:
2014 Multiplayer. This version is based on the concept of the "game party" and participation in games through parties. This version will be deprecated in later releases.
2015 Multiplayer (previously 2015 Multiplayer Preview). This multiplayer version abstracts the game party concept and uses the multiplayer session directory (MPSD) to control game sessions.

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